2 Comments Wale to try out for LA Avengers

Posted by The Elitaste on 02 Apr 2008

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LOS ANGELES, CALIF.–Recent Interscope signee Wale has decided to put his recording career on hold to try out for the Los Angeles Avengers, an arena football team.

“Almost everyday I wonder what life would be like if I hadn’t quit playing college ball,” said Wale, 23, from his manager’s office in LA. “I am clearly not big enough for the NFL, but arena football benefits an athlete like myself with explosive speed and agility.”

The Avengers have waived Wale past preliminary try outs, believing his presence on the team will be great for ticket sales and entertainment value.

“Wale is a natural,” said Casey Wasserman, president of Wasserman Media Group which owns the Avengers. “A natural athlete, a natural superstar and a natural entertainer.”

According to a press release from the team, the Avengers will renegotiate their footwear deal wit Nike, citing Wale’s affinity for the shoes as a deciding factor. An apparel deal is also in the works with Los Angeles based The Hundreds, who were recently acquired by LVMH, owners of Louis Vuitton (read article here).

“Honestly, I really just want Wale to be happy,” said Daniel Weisman, Wale’s manager. “I think in terms of marketing and branding him, the pro athlete angle will help, plus it will open up his touring schedule to cities the Avengers play in but might not book Wale for a show.”

Representatives from Interscope and Allido Records were not available for comment.

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2 Comments Subscribe to these comments.

April 2, 2008 9:39 am tridentgreen Website Reply

haha you so silly

April 7, 2008 12:45 am KitaKat_meow Website Reply

do what u do wale lil sis backs u 500%

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