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From Elitaste |
A CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot. For example, humans can read distorted text as the one shown below, but current computer programs can’t. The term CAPTCHA (for Completely Automated Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart) was coined in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas Hopper and John Langford of Carnegie Mellon University. At the time, they developed the first CAPTCHA to be used by Yahoo.
I was looking for some tickets on Ticketmaster yesterday when I was presented with a CAPTCHA. I caught a glance of the text to the right of the CAPTCHA and was kinda blown away
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From Elitaste |
About 200 million CAPTCHAs are solved by humans around the world every day. In each case, roughly ten seconds of human time are being spent. Individually, that’s not a lot of time, but in aggregate these little puzzles consume more than 150,000 hours of work each day. What if we could make positive use of this human effort? reCAPTCHA does exactly that by channeling the effort spent solving CAPTCHAs online into “reading” books.
So they use CAPTCHAS to digitally translate text from old books? How noble of them. I guess Ticketmaster isn’t all bad. Read more about it HERE
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